Do you envision an Advice-Based Financial Planning practice where your clients get scheduled for meetings automatically? Or, what if your staff prepares everything for the meeting without your input? ...
The financial planning landscape is evolving and your role as a financial advisor is shifting from being a transactional salesperson to a trusted advisor providing holistic guidance.
This presents a bi...
One of the beautiful things about Advice-Based Financial Planning is that it's a clear differentiator in a marketplace of product salespeople. Â Potential clients and Key Partners can clearly see how ...
We live in a world of “independent” financial advisors, but the truth is that very few actually start out that way. How could they? Virtually everyone starts out as either a captive advisor or as pa...
As a small business owner, do you ever struggle with the idea that you are a leader? Most advisors start focused on the client work, and as they become more successful, their practice evolves and exp...
I want to let you in on a little secret…nobody knows what we do! They think they know, based on whatever narrow experience they have had with "advisors" in the industry. But they don't.Â
MANY peop...
I remember that for years my goal was to have $10k of recurring revenue per month. That was my definition of financial freedom! I could meet all my business and personal obligations, and the rest was ...
Ryan Holiday wrote a blog about protecting the "old way".  We have instincts to preserve the way it was, and those can be healthy, but they can also be dysfunctional.Â
It is likely the old way inc...
Have you bought into the myth that the Independent RIA business model is inherently superior, more virtuous, than the Dually Registered Broker Dealer model?Â
It's easy to do. We've been told t...
Most of us were taught to prequalify prospects so that we don't waste our time with people who don't have enough money to hire us.
There are several flaws in that model.Â
50% Complete
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