In our last video, we discussed the importance of charging financial planning fees. This blog continues that discussion and gives you some actionable items to start creating your own EXPERIENCE. 


If you have never charged a fee for your advice, if you have been inconsistent in charging fees, OR if you have charged initial fees and are still having difficulty establishing an annual recurring fee, The Intentional Advisor can help you move forward with these practices. 


8 Easy Steps 


  1. Identify your Ideal Client Muse. Who is your client service model being built for? 


  1. Determine what Comprehensive Financial Planning looks like for your Muse. Document the needs and desires specific to your client and his/her financial situation. 


  1. Build a Client Service Model to deliver the Initial Planning Experience. Hint here: check out the CFP Board's definition of FP and customize to your client. 


  1. Build an Annual Client Service Model.  This will keep that initial plan on track and to help you client do the things they need to do over time.


  1. Come up with a Fair Pricing Method. I don't care what it is…but apply it consistently.  It can be a flat fee, it can be a percentage of net worth, liquid assets, etc.  


  1. Create a one page document to illustrate your entire Client Service Model. 


  1. Build an Initial Client EXPERIENCE. Make this emotionally compelling and allow it to explore your prospect's fears, values and goals.  Document their current financial situation. 


  1. Deliver that EXPERIENCE to everyone you can. If the prospect would be a good fit for your practice, then walk them through that one page piece at the end of the meeting. Show them what it would cost based on your Fair Pricing Method.  Ask them if they want to hire you.  It is just that simple! 


Remember that this is about transforming the process into something your client can understand. Explaining what you do as it applies to their needs and offering a fair and logical fee structure makes them more comfortable about hiring you. 


Let's build your practice with PURPOSE. 


With Purpose,




Have any questions or feedback? I'd love to hear from you at [email protected]. Also, find tips, support, and motivation at The Intentional Advisor Mastermind Facebook group!






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