process purpose vision May 28, 2018


I believe this in my soul. I have countless examples of things that I didn't know HOW I was going to accomplish, coming together in unfathomable ways. 



I decided that I wanted to donate $20,000 to financial literacy charities this year through my speaking engagements…I am already at $19,000 that will be generated by speaking throughout the country in the next 5 months! 



A few months ago we were looking for a new staff member for LOTUS. We were on the cusp of placing a job listing and one of our clients showed up ready to go and eager for the job! 



A year ago, I decided I wanted help growing the reach of The Intentional Advisor and I met Catherine with Social Seed Marketing in a chance encounter. I hired her that very day and since then she has had a hand in everything I have created. 



The list goes on and on… 



Something to keep in mind 



Despite KNOWING that if I decide, the universe will conspire to make things happen...I forget to trust. As a standard type A personality, I have the need to see the HOW and control the outcome. 



I have to continually come back to the truth that I don't have to know the HOW. 



I have to DECIDE. 



I have to have a compelling and aligned reason WHY I want it. 



I have to be willing to see the the NEXT STEPS as they show themselves, but I don't have to know HOW it will all come together. 



My message to the amazing female advisors in our study group was that if you DECIDE to build your practice with PURPOSE and be willing to do the work to build it on PURPOSE, the universe will conspire on your behalf. 



You don't have to have all the answers, just be willing to do the work and stay open to the possibilities! 



With Purpose,





Do you have examples of how the universe has conspired on your behalf? I would love to hear them! Come share them in The Intentional Advisor Mastermind Facebook Group. 



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